Professional Development for Educators

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Make It Your Mission


Make It Your Mission

Make It Your Mission is a group professional development training for educators that prioritizes and improves boundaried teacher-student relationships at your school. At OTA, we are on a mission to ensure that every young person has at least one trusted adult. 

This training addresses: why this mission is so important right now, what a trusted adult is and isn’t, and how to make strengthening connections with youth your mission personally and organizationally every day, all year long.  

The Make It Your Mission program includes:
✔️ 4-module video program designed for group viewing
✔️ Discussion questions and reflection guide

How to Implement
Watch with your team as one 60-minute video session or as four 15-minute video sessions. Lead a group discussion using the thought-provoking reflection guide or encourage community members to reflect individually or with a partner. Set goals for school-connectedness that you and your team can check back in on all year long. 

Did you know…

There’s a parent/caregiver partner-course to Make It Your Mission?

Our 3-part course “It’s Our Mission” is for parents and caregivers and is designed to be facilitated. This is a great resource for a parent education night!



One Trusted Adult Foundations 

One Trusted Adult: Foundations for Educators is an online on-demand, 4-hour course, including exercises, assessments, and a downloadable workbook. An individual certificate of attendance is issued upon completion. 

✔️ Review evidence and recognize the importance of every child being able to name at least one trusted adult at school. 

✔️ Become a trusted adult who is accessible, boundaried, and caring. 

✔️ Set up spaces to meet the BASICS (universal youth needs) using tools and techniques such as strategic questions and Magnets & Mirrors worksheets.

✔️ Establish healthy and appropriate youth-adult relationships and avoid boundary blur and professional burnout. 

✔️ Encourage teamwork and build a network of many trusted adults. Implement communication techniques and strategies to improve relationships with other trusted adults.

✔️Apply Caring Modes and comfort Zones frameworks for effective mentorship.

Individual Course ($129)

Individual CourseSchool-wide Course


Book + Reader's Guide

Read the book: One Trusted Adult: How to Build Strong Connections and Healthy Boundaries with Young People. Use the Reader’s Guide to facilitate a discussion with your team.

One Trusted Adult $19.95 plus shipping (Please contact us for bulk discounts and orders).  

What Educators Are Saying

“The OTA courses for educators are brilliant, engaging, and have been created with a deep understanding of the adolescent brain and what they look like in schools. The language and resources provided are the most relevant and digestible I have found to assist educators and advisors in healthy ways of using connection and relationships to prime the brain for learning.”

Dr. Lori Desautels, Assistant Professor, Butler University's College of Education

"Staff have found the [online, on-demand] educator training to be extremely helpful in directing them to focus on what a trusted adult truly is and realizing that no one staff member can or should be all things to all students. Additionally, staff have enjoyed evaluating who the trusted adults were in their lives and the positive impact they had.”

Dr. Erin Hagerty, Director of Assessment & Accountability, Windham School District

“We feel that the individual OTA Foundations e-course was an excellent way to work through the information and to apply it to circumstances of our school. We had a lot of fruitful conversation following each of our staff completing the course.”

Leann McCormack, M.Ed.Math Specialist, Dunbarton Elementary School

Partnering with over 150 schools + organizations

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