High School Advisory Curriculum + Leadership Training

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BeBOLD High School Advisory Curriculum 

BeBOLD builds connection and community through activities, discussion, and fun! The program is designed to be student-led or advisor-led, depending on your community. Each of the four parts includes 25 engaging sessions on growth-focused topics that encourage honest self-reflection, build skills for solving problems and growing healthy relationships, and offer ideas for taking action and making a community-wide impact. Each part can be used in a single grade or in a school-wide, blended-grade advisory. Being BOLD means embracing opportunities, learning new skills, meeting people, and exploring all that the world has to offer.

The BeBOLD Advisory Program consists of four BOLD parts, each of which includes a full year of advisory meeting.

The BeBOLD Advisory Program aligns with CASEL (Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning) competencies. Review alignment here.

The BeBOLD Advisory Program also aligns with the ISCA (International School Counselor Association) Standard Alignment.

Branch Out: Prepares and challenges young people to build connections and community.

Own It: Empowers students to embrace responsibility for themselves and their community

Lift Up: Teaches young people how to care for, encourage, and support individuals and groups.

Dig Deep: Explores possibilities and ideas for leading, contributing, and evaluating impact (available Spring 2025).


Why BeBOLD Advisory Program? 

1. Can be completed in small group settings such as advisory or used in larger group classes and programs.
2. Ignites conversations relevant to the lives of young people today.
3. Supports advisors and facilitators to remain boundaried and within the scope of their expertise and does not ask the adult to play the role of counselor or therapist
4. Topics focus on characteristics of a healthy community, and the actions young people can take to contribute in positive ways.


Supports advisors and facilitators to remain boundaried and within the scope of their expertise; does not ask the adult to play the role of counselor or therapist.


Eliminates distractions and ignites conversations relevant to the lives of young people today.


Can be completed in small group settings such as advisory or in larger group classes and programs. Topics focus on characteristics of a healthy community and the actions young people can take to contribute in positive ways.



High School Student Leadership Course

Provide formalized training and inspire your student leaders to boldly lead and contribute in your school community with OTA’s five-video training course, including PDF workbook ($875/one year of access).

Focus of course:
✔️ Definition of step-up, step-back leadership: knowing when and how to speak or listen and observe or act
✔️ Specific strategies for building connection and belonging
✔️ One-on-one and large-group communication skills
✔️ Introduction to a Comfort Zones tool and best practices for supporting peers
✔️ Practice with a LEVERS tool for assessing and responding to concerning situations
✔️ Accountability, responsibility, and ownership of climate and culture
✔️ Leadership leanings and needs—Cheerleaders, Challengers, Comforters, and Coaches
✔️ Inspiration, ideas, and opportunities to explore possibilities for contribution and making a positive difference


What Teachers Are Saying

“Boundaries, boundaries, and boundaries! Everyone knows the definition of boundaries but rarely do adults and students understand their importance and how to successfully establish, maintain, and execute them. Through One Trusted Adult programming, TWS has been given the guidance, tools, and framework to do just that. Trust and connection are strengthened through established boundaries! OTA has seamlessly tailored the programming from in-person to remote and meshed well with our existing framework. In addition, our community is thriving as a result of OTA BeBold advisory programming.”

Alicia Jordan, Dean of Faculty, The Winchendon School

Branch Out is a fun, activity-based community building curriculum for teens. Activities were engaging, required no prep, and the students did not find it "cheesy" like many other SEL lessons meant for high-school aged students. This led to many meaningful conversations, opportunities for adult feedback, and a lot of laughs! The students in my group have gotten to know each other, and I've really gotten to know all of them through our weekly meetings during the school year.

 Abbey Morgans, School Psychologist 

The fact that BeBold lessons can be facilitated by students has made the conversations and advisory time much more meaningful than what we were doing in the past.

Sarah Power, High School Principal 

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